Dear Yananot,
My blood just having their not-so-British globins tonight, so ignore my grammar cause I don't even want to care, so you guys should not dare to care too, haha :p I have nothing to update basically but I still want to write something tonight because I just love to write, that's it. No much reasons, hehe. Okay, since lately I have been a busy lazybones at home [lazybones busy? Oh puh-lis, muhong sangat haih :p] whatever, haha. Orait, actually I just want to share some pictures here, some words that might made us thinking twice and twice, and some motivations that we might gain and gain, bla bla bla. Sharing kan caring, caring kan sweet, so I am sweet [noktah] lololol :p

As a girl, okay dah tua so as a woman, hehe :p As a normal woman being, we are more or less the same, love to be pretty and to be looked beauty, but what are actually pretty and beauty mean? Just smile babes, we will look pretty, be kind and we will look beauty. It all come from inside, beautify our inside, it will reflect our outside, so just be good, create positive personality rather than injecting botox or whatsoever, it just harm your soul. Why I said so? Yes, of course la, you suntik sini sana pun tak tentu you feel satisfied, at the end your face dah macam kena sengat tebuan and then jiwa dah rungsing, so don't your soul get harm? Therefore smile okay, tak ada smiling face yang tak cun dalam dunia ni. We have our own beauty, if not to entire world, enough to be looked beauty and pretty to somebody [smile]. Be happy okay my girl and my woman, people will feel comfortable when we are in good mood, so happy is the solution. The way to create happiness is by being happy first [so again, smile!] :)

Yeah, smile might be looked as simple thing to do, but you know what, it really means lot. When you are in stress, just try to smile cause it helps in calming your heart, you will feel a bit release as oxytocine hormone will released when you smile, oxytocine ni macam "caring hormone" [okay I got this from Google, so I don't make any auta yup, hehe :p] I also believe on these words "you don't smile because you are happy but you are happy because you smile" so it was like psychology in your mind, when you smile everything will run on smoothly. Lagipun smile ni make you more attractive, cute, cheerful and and cowok ya ramai mahu tegur dong, haha okay yang itu not good at all, make your smile comes from your heart, feel sincere to do so, you will have the beautiful smile indeed, and smile is the sweetest way your lips can be. So, smile while reading my entry now, weeee :)

And finally, to be happy and beauty, every night before you go to sleep, let all your problems flew away, smile before you sleep, thinking that tomorrow you will have a good day, you will be strong enough to face world and hiyarghhhh push your hands up and say this loudly "Goodnight Moon, I love you!" hehe ;) And don't forget to recite your doa and khalimah syahadah, have a beautiful dreams and meet your sunshine tomorrow with a big welcome, till then as-salam and nanite! :)
Kita tak kuat untuk sentiasa gembira tetapi kita mampu untuk berasa gembira, jadi be happy okay! :)