As a woman-being for sure lah will have kinda ibu-ibu feeling, so as we Insya-Allah will be mommah soon-to-be why not we prepare ourselves to learn motherhood punya ilmu kan kan? Not so soon perhaps, but at least we are well-prepared at that moment. Nak didik anak bukan mudah, tambah pulak dengan dunia yang serba penuh pancaroba, matang sekali ayat aku, ehem ehem ;p
Kepala pun macam nak teleng by looking at this pic kan, memang niat aku macam tu, sebab macam sweet tengok baby sampai kepala teleng-teleng, hikhik :) Anak adalah amanah Allah and sebagai seorang anak mereka akan membawa sebahagian daripada nama ayah dan ibu, jadi in order we want them to present the best of us, we should give them the best too, I mean dari segi ilmu dan didikan, Insya-Allah dengan asas yang kukuh sebuah binaan tu tak mudah goyang walau test-test dan cobaan yang datang tu boleh consider separa hebat, sebab asas tu akan menyokong supaya binaaan tak mudah rebah, okay itu aku kira macam engineering in life lah kan and as an "engineer" you should know lah kan rumus apa nak guna pakai dalam membentuk asas yang kukuh ini :)
So rumus apa ni nak pakai? e=mc2 kah? Ofkos la bukan, but the things yang you must instill within your children are definitely the manners of Islam and to inculcate them the truth of Islamic understanding and faith in them those values that Islam taught us. Insya-Allah itu lah permulaan asas yang kukuh and with Allah will, anak-anak akan menjalani kehidupan mereka with this basic base, Islamic base. Okay lah, aku pun tak banyak ilmu nak share memandangkan aku masih muda dan bujang lagi, belum berkeluarga apatah lagi mempunyai anak. Kata orang experiences are the best teacher, so why not aku share kan experiences dari orang yang lain yang kemudiannya boleh kita jadikan rujukan sama-sama, sharing for the sake of raising our future children in Islam, and hoping they will be anak-anak yang soleh dan solehah, aamiin :)
Methods for Moral Upbringing:
1- Showing the values of good deeds and their effects on the individuals and society; also showing the effects of bad deeds, all within the child's capability of understanding.
2- Parents should be a good example in their behavior because children like to imitate their parents in their sayings and their deeds.
3- Teaching the child the religious principles and tutoring him in worship, taking into account the child's capability of understanding. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Order your children to pray at the age of seven.”
4- Treating children nicely and kindly. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that practically. When he was praying as an Imam with the people, his grandson Al-Hasan, son of his daughter Fatimah, may Allah be pleased with them rode his back while he was bowing. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, lengthened his bow. When he finished his prayer, some attending Companions said, “You lengthened your bow?” Then the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, answered, “My grandson rode my back and I hate hastening him”
5- One of the important things that parents must teach their children is to choose the good company and to the avoid the bad one, because children are always influenced by the company they keep. The bad behavior can be easily transmitted through bad company. So the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, warned us by saying, “Man is inclined to get influenced by his friend's manners, so one must be careful in choosing friends.” (Reported by Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhi)
6- Encouraging the child's sense of belonging to the Muslim Ummah, by teaching him of the brotherhood between Muslims, teaching him to care for Muslims in any land, and that he is part of the Muslim body, to feel joy when Muslims are joyous, to feel sad for Muslims' sadness, and to do best to achieve the Muslim Ummah’s goals. All of this can be done practically through:
A- Taking children to Mosques and introducing them to their brother in Islam regardless of race, language, or origin.
B- Teaching the children the history of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and his Companions and the history of Islam, bearing in mind the child's capability of understanding.
C- Encouraging children to sympathize with Muslim problems and to contribute to the solutions such as the poverty problem and to donate some money to the hungry Muslim children.
D- Taking part in the celebrations and festivals with Muslims, and sharing picnics and creating ties with their Muslim brothers of the same age.
7- Imbuing in children the feeling of love of Allah, His Prophet, Muslims, and all people. This love will lead to special behavior towards all those loved.
These are general guidelines to raise our children Islamically, so every Muslim must take care of his children and know the correct path that must be followed. This will help us do the job we are entrusted to do as Allah proscribed, as well as the responsibility the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, has clarified, with aim of protecting the future generations of Muslims, as Allah Almighty says: (And Say Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) his Messenger and the believers. And you will be brought back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. Then He will inform you of what you used to do. ) (At-Tawbah: 105)
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Dah ada baby nanti jangan lupa bookmark entry ni okay, hiks Assalamualaikum :)