Phewww, I miss you keyboard!
Yeah, I'm back. Again, back. Now. I'm sealed with loves. Hahaha sealed lah sangat, so can you estimate how many blog I already had before? When I said I'm back? Hahaha laugh is only the thing I can do. Okay, this time around I'm not starting all over again, which I used to do back then. Ini kali habaq mai, I change my blog name, sebab dah lamaaaaaaaa sangat tak bukak. Since last trimester preggy sampai la sekarang Soffia dah almost 9 months old. So, mari kita buat penjenamaan semula, hahaha :p
Sebab apa nak tukaq nama pulak?
Sebab I really want to continue blogging, I am determine to do that even before ni my determination drastically moral down. Ekeke :p Hahaha, I can tell you that when ever I make promise, InshaAllah I'll make it. But please exclude this, promise to keep writing is just the promise I'll never kept. Well, I have my own reasons. First and foremost, the strongest excuse is my status as a mother. So my little Soffia will always be my priority. Husband? Husband okay, if he is not willing to understand, I'll skip his dinner, hehe joking :p
Okay, sebenarnya aku dah lama tulis-tulis dekat blog ni, since aku sedih dulu duduk jauh dengan anak and suami. Tapi aku tak publish sebab aku sedih sendiri, so aku rasa penulisan dulu tu macam sendu sangat. Ekekeke :p
I just start working at my new office this week, and I found it was really hard to make a new move here. Not because of the work. But the people. They are all good, but I feel the gap between us. Hurgh, ni tak suka ni. This feeling turn me to be awkward. So till now, at the moment I'm typing this, I don't have any friends yet. Don't call me loser. Give me time to mingle around. I believe I can go through this.
But to tell you what, the environment now is sooooooo cold.
Like living in an igloo with the penguins around. Lols!
Okay lah, till we meet again, not so soon and may be not so long if you refer to my determination on writing. Give me consideration. Will you?